Lumus is the company that announced a revolutionary new product, a pair of video glasses 720p. Lens creates a virtual display seen at 10m 812mm by one who can glasses.
Lumus announced a new pair of glasses. Is that it? Glasses? At first glance you say that the person who bears have vision problems, perhaps even blind since it seems to look empty. If you read Laptop News and other news sites and look more closely at them, know that there are a certain pair of glasses. Lumus company announced a real lens device that creates a virtual screen of 812mm, 10m by saw the man who bears it.
I find it amazing that they managed to produce such a quality product that offers portability and almost unimaginable levels. Perhaps fans of movies and games will be the most ecstatic and I with them, but I can not help wondering what effect it has on vision. There once and may still have to stay close to the myth that television lead to vision problems. I do not know if it has been shown to stay close to the TV does not affect the eyes, but I'm curious if there have been studies chelarii which is less than 10cm of the retina.
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